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““For the past 3 years, I have used Seoul Guide Medical to take care of my teeth, my skin and I chose them to help me with my Rhinoplasty as well! They fixed my broken nose from my bike accident,” ”
““SGM has helped me get all kinds of treatments here in Seoul and they take care of all my international friends. Whenever anyone needs a clinic, I point them to SGM first. They are trustworthy and there is no one more knowledgeable. They are best for a reason. SGM, thank you!” ”
Amy AlehaКанада
““I am from Saudi Arabia and many of the gulf region embassies ask me to advise medical tourism patients coming from abroad. I always send them to SGM because I trust them 100%. For years they have taken care of hundreds of our people with excellent results. ” ”
Yaser KhalifaСаудовская Аравия
““I had upper and lower eye blepharoplasty, lower eye fat repositioning, double chin lipo, arm lipo, 360 tummy lipo, leg lipo and a tummy tuck. It all turned out so well! They even accepted my request to have this video recorded as I want to show other brave men and women about my journey. ” ”
Susan JamesКанада
”I was recommended to SGM through my embassy for skin treatment and I am so happy they did! I was very scared because I can’t speak Korean well yet but they took care of me and made it so easy. I asked so many questions and they answered everything.
Enji EldevМонголия
#1 Поставщик медицинского туризма
Почему мы
Мы работаем только с лучшими врачами и больницами с самым высоким рейтингом в Сеуле, так как у нас есть инсайдерские знания и отношения со всеми ними и столичным правительством Сеула. Мы полностью лицензированы, и все наши клиники-партнеры гарантируют свою работу. От встречи в аэропорту, до помощи с транспортом, до обеспечения проживания и решения любых ваших проблем, мы будем с вами на каждом этапе пути, это наша гарантия!

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